Platelet Rich Plasma
(PRP) Treatment
PRP is a facial rejuvenation treatment that uses your own plasma to stimulate collagen production and cell migration, allowing for the elimination of lines, folds, and wrinkles. Results from PRP therapy are natural looking and subtle, and they can last for as long as two years.
Also known as The Vampire Facial in Lone Tree, it’s an innovative anti-aging treatment that requires no vampires whatsoever. It starts with microdermabrasion from the Dermapen followed by platelet-rich plasma (known as PRP). This blood is drawn from you prior to treatment, the only part of it that may sting a bit. Because of the rich content of growth factors in the platelets, it brings wonderful results with cell turnover for a revitalized, firmer, tighter, and more youthful appearance.

PRP Treatment
It begins with micro-needling using the Dermapen to help spark collagen and is followed by an application of your own platelet-rich plasma which gets absorbed into the tiny punctures from the micro-needling, resulting in firmer, tighter skin.
Benefits of Vampire PRP Facial
Wondering why you should try the PRP facial? It has many benefits that will turn you into a believer.
It’s Naturopathic
Because the PRP facial starts with microneedling, it helps the skin rejuvenate itself naturally. By promoting your own collagen production, you’re going to see more beautiful and youthful skin. It helps boost circulation for a refined look that gives you the results you want, and super-fast too. Add the PRP part to it and your skin is destined to have everyone you know stop you and ask you why you look so fabulous.
It’s Non-Invasive
Unlike lasers, invasive surgeries, or harsh chemical peels, you won’t find damage or unwanted scarring. It’s very harmless and safe, not to mention effective too. Most people that have the vampire PRP facial say it’s painless, though some say the only pain they felt was a brief prick of pain when their blood was drawn.
Recovery Time is Easy
You’ll only notice a little redness for a day, or maybe even too. You can get right back to life, unlike with surgeries. That’s a much better alternative!
It’s a Game-Changer
While it starts with a microneedling treatment, it finishes with taking blood drawn from your body and separating that blood to get the platelet-rich plasma before it is applied to your face. Often called “liquid gold,” PRP vampire facials are ideal for stimulating collagen and elastin growth. It was first used in sports medicine before becoming a popular facial trend. Thanks to those platelets, your skin is getting a dose of healing power from this plasma which easily gets back into the skin thanks to the prior treatment with the Dermapen.